do over (working title) is a series of 32 short actions performed to the musical score of Bach’s Goldberg Variations as recorded by Glenn Gould. I perform a series of variations with a table, tablecloth, dishes, glasses and water, starting with the trick of pulling a tablecloth out from under the dishes, followed by a series of variations with other domestic props. Unlike traditional magic tricks - where the magician does not reveal their secrets - everything in do over is real and revealed. The repetitive labor of setting up and cleaning up, trial and error, mistakes and happy accidents are all included - “do over” is literally the name of the game. I began this project in Summer 2022 and have recorded and edited a first draft of the 32 variations as a single-channel video. I am now in the process of reverse-storyboarding the work, clarifying my concept and planning to re-record the project with better continuity between variations and recording the sounds in the room (my footsteps, dishes breaking etc.) I am working towards a live performance/ gallery installation of the project where the props, costumes and recording of the performance would remain on view after the performance.